Elementary Statistical Methods for Foresters
Here you can find the contents, formulas, tables, examples, and explanations from Frank Freese’s excellent handbook Elementary Statistical Methods for Foresters, originally published in 1967. The handbook is now available in an easily accessible, digital format to give foresters quick and easy access to important mathematical procedures necessary to conduct successful forest inventories and data analysis.
Samantha Avery, a recent graduate of forestry at Mississippi State University and working with the Society of American Foresters A1-Inventory and Biometrics Working Group and University of Minnesota, used R statistical software to transcribe the book from paper to screen. Although this book is already available in a PDF format, transferring it into a more accessible form such as an interactive website makes it easier to find and utilize the type of information the book provides working foresters.
This project was supported by the Society of American Foresters and the University of Minnesota, Department of Forest Resources. This handbook was built using the bookdown package in R and is hosted by Netlify.